Neverland by Absinthe Films
17 July 2009, alb_ca_zapada
Am zis ca prezentam snowboard, asta facem: Neverland by Absinthe Films
Travis Rice, Dan Brisse, Bode Merrill, Nicolas Müller, Sylvain Bourbousson, JP Solberg, Romain deMarchi, DCP, Marc Frank Montoya, Annie Boulanger, Marie-France Roy, Jules Reymond, Wille Yli-Luoma, Cale Zima, Phil Damianakes, Wolfgang Nyvelt, Kevin Pearce, Eero Ettala, Gigi Rüf.
Nu e indeajuns? Iata ce se vorbeste in tirg:
Neverland is a state of mind, a mountain pushed up from the ground by imagination. Anyone can go but most people have trouble with the simple directions: Follow your dreams. This winter Absinthe dropped down the rabbit hole to explore this elusive place and brought back some mind bending tales and a pocketful of surprises.
E unul sint ca de obicei cu cura cascata. Nu contenesc sa ma minunez de productii, edit-uri si oamenii aia de pe alta planeta. Mama ei de treaba, sintem in epoca de piatra. Si nu ma refer aici la trickuri fantastice, ci la modul de a gindi si a ne aborda pasiunile personale.
Neverland by Absinthe Films from Absinthe Films on Vimeo.
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