Poz(n)ele lui Cozma

Instantanee Albe de Iulian Cozma

21-29 Martie 2009; Freeride Bucegi - Fagaras

The last days of March were very nice ones from all points of view! We ski in Bucegi mountains, and since yesterday afternoon we are at Balea Lake in Fagaras mountains. Today we did some nice runs in Saua Doamnei, and on Balea Valley. As you may see on the above photo, the snow was great! Best regards from Balea Lake in Fagaras mountains, Iulian Cozma - mountain and ski guide

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Fagaras/Bucegi, 6-13 Martie 2009

If on last week of February the snow and the weather was perfect for touring in Bucegi mountains, I can't say the ….same thing about the week what just end… Was enough snow, and was even snowy in almost each day and night, ….but was not too much visibility, and skiing was not a real pleasure. The tour was in Fagaras and Bucegi mountains, ….also visiting Sibiu and Sighisoara cities. The last day of the tour was the nicest one from the entire week, but the tour ….was ending on that day …

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ski Bucegi - Gaura, Ialomita, Padina

Ultima saptamana din Februarie a fost una deosebit de frumoasa, cu zapada si cer albastru pe masura! Am skiat in Bucegi, pe Gaura, Ialomita si in zona Padina. Au urmat o zi de viscol in Ciucas, si o zi de snowshoeing in Simon/Poarta. Nu a mai fost cer albastru, dar a fost frumos!

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Castelul Bran

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Ciucas - 28 Decembrie 2008

Pe 28 Decembrie ne-am incumetat la o tura de ski in Muntii Ciucas. Daca data trecuta alesesem ca si punct de plecare Cabana de la Muntele Rosu, de asta data am inceput sa urcam pe Valea Berii. Valea este frumoasa, nu am ce spune, dar parca cam multa padure pana sus la gol.

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Bran 23.11.2008

O scurta plimbare prin zona Branului dupa nisnsoarea proaspata de Sambata.

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Schiul cere sacrificii

Daca unii dintre voi au ales sa ramana pe acasa de 1 Decembrie, si mai ales sa mearga sa voteze, noi (eu, Rosana, Oana, Adi si Gioni) am ales sa dam o tura scurta si productiva in Austria. Asadar am purces la un drum care a a avut 3800 km, dus-intors, dar a meritat din plin. Am schiat in Pitztal, Kaunertal si in Solden in ultima zi.

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